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Friday, 6 May 2016

Node ID does Not Exist for the Current Application Server ID Errors

Node ID  does not exist for the current application server id.
 The URL on which the above error occurs is as follows:


This error also occurs at the time of starting / stopping Apache. start stop



1. Do a select on the server_id in the fnd_nodes table.  Here is an example of what it could look like:
2. Do a search on APPL_SERVER_ID in the .dbc file.  It could show something like:
Please manually comment out the APPL_SERVER_ID in the .dbc file.
3. Then re-run and it will  seed the node and get a good  application id.
NOTE: If the server_id is missing from the FND_NODES table, ie. if the above SQL does not return anything
To get the FND_NODES table populated with the correct server ID, one may have to use:
Note 260887.1 ->Steps to Clean Nonexistent Nodes or IP Addresses from   FND_NODES

Please refer the Note 274476.1 and Note 363609.1 to have a detailed view to change the IP Address of the Database Server.
5) As the change is made at the OS (Operating System) level.Please ensure that the IP address gets reflected in the DNS server and also in the local host file.


Correct Method of Changing the IP Address in 11i & R12 (Doc ID 751328.1)
pool fnd_nodes 
set pagesize 50 
col node_name format a15 
col server_id format a8 
col server_address format a15 
col platform_code format a4 
col webhost format a12 
col domain format a20 
col virtual_ip format a12 
set linesize 132 
select node_id, platform_code, support_db D, support_cp C, support_admin A, support_forms F, 
support_web W, node_name, server_id, server_address, domain, webhost, virtual_ip 
from fnd_nodes 
order by node_id;

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